Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mi Familia y Amigos!

May 31, 2012
Mi Familia y Amigos!

This week in the MTC has flown by so fast! The days are long but the weeks seem to come and go so quickly. Its crazy to think that I have been in here from over 3 weeks already. I'm loving my time here and I witness more and more miracles every day. Thank you for all the care packages you send me. It funny how happy a letter can make me. Its so nice to hear about you and what has been going on in your lives so yeah, keep them coming. I haven't received my slides yet but the cinnamon rolls and cookies where nice, my District and I will celebrate with them sometime. They have grown to love the Sanderson family because of all the goodies you send.

I love teaching the Gospel, mainly because when I come out of a teaching appointment, i have learned so much more than i taught my investigator. We have been teaching Esperanza and Ariel everyday for the past week and it has been going amazing. Its such an amazing feeling to receive inspiration for what and how you should teach your investigators. One night I woke up at 3 a.m. and began to write a lesson plan for Ariel. He is a construction worker and so to help make the Gospel more applicable to him i taught him about how the gospel is much like construction. God takes raw materials and when done in the correct and proper manner, God can take those raw materials and build them into something amazing. He loved that analogy and wants to follow the example of Jesucristo and be baptized! It was such an amazing experience. Esperanza is a struggle. She has no belief in God so she is really skeptical of praying to him. Its amazing to look at our two investigators and watch how prayer really is one of the most important aspects of conversion. If they don't pray then they cannot receive revelation.

We got a new district yesterday and they seem pretty legit. Our zone leaders left for Florida wednesday so it has fallen on the District leaders to help do the orientation. Did i ever say i was the D.L.? haha well I am and since Im the youngest i got stuck with orientation today on my P-day. We have 4 sisters in the new district and no offense to sister missionaries, but from what I've heard they can be a pain sometimes haha. Hopefully everything goes by smoothly. The elders usually follow your word to exactness because they are still so nervous but the sisters are older and sometimes don't even show up haha

Went to the temple today and participated in Sealing's. That was such an amazing experience and I had never done them before. The sealers last name was Brother Sanderson and we tried to see if we were related and I don't think we are. The temple is so amazing and I'm so grateful for the fact that I get to go there every week and help build the kingdom. There were a few weddings going on while we were there so the celestial room was so packed it was awesome to see everyone so happy and I can't even imagine what heaven must be like. We had Elder W. Craig Zwick come talk to us in devotional and he talked a lot about the blessings of the temple. He told us that even though missions are great and amazing, it is only through the temple that we can be saved. His wife talked about how we as missionaries are the main symbol of the Church. Even more so than the Book of Mormon because everyone knows who the missionaries are. I strive everday to better reperesent Christ so people will better learnmy lessons. I've been reading the New Testament a lot lately and trying to study how Christ taught so I can be a better Missionary. We all as members of the Church have been called to be disciples of Christ. We should all strive and learn more about how the Master Teacher went about spreading his Gospel. Love you all so much!

con amor 

-Elder Sanderson

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