Tuesday, July 16, 2013

May 6, 2013

Sanderson Family,                                                                              05/06/2013

Crazy that another week has already flown by and I get to write to you all again! Hope everything is awesome at home and things are going smooth. I am super jealous though of the snow you have been receiving  Here in Laredo its been up in the 100s most of the time.

So a little update on some of our investigators getting baptized this month. The Robles Family (Francisca, Stephanie, Emily, and Rudulfo) came to church this weekend and loved testimony meeting. Francisca is super emotional and so I don't think here eyes were dry for the entire 3 hours. The family has caught the flame of testimony and are progressing well towards their baptism. We are trying to move their date up to the 19th but that's still undecided. The rest of the family is actively involved in mutual and other church auxiliaries. Que Padre!

The Villarreal family is still doing great but not progressing nearly as quickly as we would have hoped. Problems with the drug cartels have re-surfaced and so having lessons with them is still very difficult. Saturday night someone threw rocks through their windows and so they spent the night in the police station for safety. President Trayner has asked that we stay away for a few days. We have been reading the Book of Mormon with them over a secure telephone line and so that has been wonderful. Miguel has such great desires for his family. They have been through a lot and they so desperately need the Restored Gospel. They love the Book of Mormon and the peace it brings to their lives. This experience has really brought to life the scripture, "the pleasing word of God...the word which healeth the wounded soul." (Jacob 2: 8)

This week we combined with the Corpus Christi and Sinton Zones to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. After the dinner Elder Sanchez (my zone leader) and I gave a training. He did his part and then I was asked to give a brief explanation of what this holiday was and then tried to tie it into missionary work. I think the information is accurate, haha I just asked members and this is what they told me. aqui esta

Today is Cinco de Mayo!  Some erroneously believe that this date is the Mexican Independence Day, but that is incorrect (Sept. 16).  For our Mexican brothers and sisters, Cinco de Mayo remembers the unlikely story of the outmanned and under armed victory of the Mexican army in 1862 over the vastly superior French forces that controlled the city of Puebla in south central Mexico. The victory represented a significant morale boost to the Mexican army and the Mexican people.  The battle at Puebla established a much-needed sense of national unity and patriotism.  The French, however, did not give up.  The French had not lost a battle in nearly fifty years.  While future battles over a period of the next five years would determine the future of Mexico against the occupying French troops, the battle on May 5, 1862 prepared the hearts and minds of the Mexican people to win.

We as missionaries can find ourselves sometimes in a battle against what seems to be a superior force.  It takes us days, sometimes week, to find a great investigator to teach.  Seemingly within minutes of our great discovery, the forces of the adversary are at work.  They soon discover our treasured and much loved investigator.  Anti-Mormon literature and internet postings, family pressure, doubts, and temptations seem to find their way to our precious lambs within moments of leaving them.  These tender lambs, whose knowledge and testimonies are so fragile, are attacked from all fronts by the adversary.  Many, unfortunately, do not survive.  Our hearts break as we observe fulfillment of Almas statement that wickedness never was happiness (Alma 41:10.)

As we witness the after effects of the adversarys efforts, we may at times think that our battle is too hard and our chances for victory too small.  We too, then begin to fill the buffetings of the adversary.  If he can break our spirits and determination, he wins.   We must not let this happen.

One hundred fifty one years ago today on the hills surrounding the city of Puebla, an army of men and women stood on the battlefield.  That day the future of a great nation would be determined.  That future was determined first in the minds and hearts of those who stood to do battle against seemingly overwhelming odds.

In similar fashion, we too must realize that so very much is at stake each day in the battles we wage as the army of God in South Texas.  Unlike, the tiny Mexican army that assembled that day, we stand nearly 70,000 strong throughout the world.  Our ranks are ever increasing in this the greatest season ever for missionary work.  We have been called by The King of King and Lord of Lords, even the Prince of Peace, to battle for the hearts and minds of our brothers and sisters.  It is something we covenanted to do before the foundation of the earth.  We have done it before and exhibited exceeding faith and good works (see Alma 13:1-5).  In truth, in this latter-day battle, we are never outmanned nor under armed.  God has promised us that we will never be outmanned nor under armed in this the greatest battle that has ever been waged.  The promises of God are true.

We then ended the night with some hispanic dancing and some music. It was a lot of fun!

Ok mom this friday I will call you and set up a time with you Sunday night of when I will call you. Expect the call on Friday to be around 9. Thanks again for all you do! Feliz dia de madre mi mama!

les amo,

Elder Sanderson
Texas McAllen Mission

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