Thanks for the letters and the pictures. haha the bunnies are cute and so is Megan as always. She has grown! Congrats Stacie on the graduation! and Steph congrats on terminating that rockchuck haha. Oh I found Megan a small poncho so that was good and so I will send in in a package soon.
Elder Wilding this last week was called to be the new district leader here so that means this coming Tuesday I will be transferred. I will be the D.L. somewhere should be getting a letter from President I think. Anyways so I will be moving :(
Thank you for all your prayers in behalf of the Robles Family. They were baptized this last Sunday! They are such an awesome family and I am so glad that our Heavenly Father can change the hearts of his children. It was a wonderful service and Francisca was crying the entire time. I'll send some pictures.
Since I am leaving we are going to try and move the Chick Family's baptism to this Sunday so that I can be here for it. They are ready so I hope that they will accept. They are progressing well and have yet to miss a sacrament meeting. The cool thing is that the Chick and Robles Family know each other pretty well and so fellow shipping them into the ward has been really awesome.
Sorry the letter is short. The Zone Leaders are going to have some baptisms this week so I gotta go do some interviews. Love you all :)
Elder Sanderson
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