As always
it was so nice to hear from you all. haha I am glad you liked the Taylor Swift
quote. I got it from her "Speak Now" album case back at home. I took
a picture of it so I would have the quote with me.
awesome week here in the Celestial Kingdom of Rio Bravo. This past Sunday i was
blessed with the opportunity to confirm Santa Cestou a member of the Church. So
funny story...we always taught Santa in spanish, but she always attended
english branch because she knew some of the members there anyways. So I began the confirmation and I guess like
half-way through I switched to spanish and then ended the blessing. I didn't
realize it until Elder Wilding told me, but yeah I was sorta embarrassed.
Luckily most people here are bi-lingual so they understood the blessing. Also
this Sunday, Mellisa, Lupita and Jackie were all interviewed for their baptisms
this next Sunday. They all did so wonderful! The only problem is that Lupita
needs to be interviewed with President Trayner before baptism so we are unsure
if she will be baptized this coming weekend. Please keep her in your prayers :)
This past
week Elder Bosselman and I went on exchanges in my area and found this awesome
woman named Monica. Shes 30 yrs old and was just recently divorced from her
husband and is without a job. The man basically dropped her and left her
helpless. The Lord has truly prepared her and her 3 kids (only 1 is baptismal
age). She started crying like 3 minutes into the lesson. She even accepted to
be baptized before we had even said the opening prayer. As missionaries we do
what we call "How to Begin Teaching" which is basically where we
state our purpose and set expectations with the investigator and give a short
over-view of what we are going to teach them. Well as we were giving the
over-view we told her we were going to talk about baptism and at the end of the
lesson we were going to commit her to be baptized. right after we said that she
said, "well can I say yes now?" So she and her young daughter
accepted a baptismal date for the 21st of April and are progressing very well.
thank you
so much for the support :) Hope all is well.
con amor,
McAllen Mission
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