Familia, 9/24/2012
semana fue una lucha creul con la cuidad de Kingsville!
Ellsworth labored hard and the Lord did truly humble us this week. I feel as
though we maybe slacked a little bit in our finding efforts because we had been
having so much success lately. This Sunday we had 0 investigators attend
church. Zero! Zilch, Nada haha! it was absolutely horrible and I felt like a
failure. We even left right after the sacrament to go wake everyone up, but
they used their agency and never even opened the door. It was heart-breaking
and I have never felt so down, but that wasn't the end. We had been teaching a
large family down in this small town called Ricardo. They were supposed to be
baptized this Sunday :( anyways the father was never home for any of the
lessons because he had been on an oil rig for the past 2 months. So when he got
home and learned about them taking lessons, he blew up. When we came by to
visit we received the most vile and harsh verbal bashing ever. The whole saying
"sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
is so lame. His words cut me to the core and as we got back in the car, Elder
Ellsworth and I just sat there, defeated. Not only did all of our investigators
miss church, but our most promising family is now unable to listen to the
gospel. That night I was just furious and frustrated out of my mind. The Zone
Leaders were just hounding me and I was so lost as to what to do. I was
heart-broken like never before and I felt so far away from my Savior. I had
reached my breaking point. The strong prompting to pray came and with the last
once of faith I had left I fell to my knees and offered up I think the most humble
prayer I have ever uttered. The answer came so clearly and the spirit whispered
to me, "Elder Sanderson, now you understand how I feel when my children
don't follow the commandments....now you know how I feel when you don't follow
mine either." A rush of peace
flowed over me as I realized the essential lesson my Father was trying to teach
me. I felt horrible guilt for even the smallest of sins I had committed now
knowing the fraction of the pain it must cause my Father in Heaven when he sees
me deviate from his divine plan.
So that
was my spiritual moment of the week that I will never soon forget, I feel as
though I have spiritually matured so much lately. On a happier note we had an
awesome ward activity and a great turnout. Everyone loved it! The ward members
are now a lot more open to letting us teach their friends and well as teaching
lessons in their homes. This week is looking very promising and I feel
confident the Lord will bless us abundantly. Hope all is well :) I love you all
so much!
McAllen Mission
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